Aswini Viswhanathan

  • Group:UI/UX Design (Specialist & Advanced)

Aswini Viswhanathan

I have over six years of experience in the field of design, specializing in UX/UI design, graphic design, and design instruction. Beginning with a diploma in Interactive Media Design from Fanshawe College, I’ve accumulated years of experience in graphic and UI/UX design. I focus on fostering inclusive learning environments and delivering high-quality design solutions.

My journey expanded into instruction, where I’ve held roles as a Graphic Design Instructor, UI/UX Design Instructor, and UX Design Instructor. This transition has allowed me to not only contribute to design projects but also to nurture the next generation of designers by fostering engaging learning environments. Complemented by certifications in Adobe Visual Design and Google Analytics, along with proficiency in various design tools and methodologies, my professional trajectory emphasizes a blend of hands-on design expertise and instructional leadership.

Alongside my work, I’ve earned certifications in Adobe Visual Design and Google Analytics and am skilled in various design tools and methods. I’m also passionate about movies and video editing, serving as Lead Volunteer at VIFF (Vancouver International Film Festival) and Video Editor at Cross Cultural Learner Centre.

I believe in a student-centred teaching philosophy, emphasizing active participation and individualized support to empower students in their learning journey. My goal is to create a collaborative and inclusive environment where students feel encouraged to explore, experiment, and grow, fostering not just skill development but also a passion for lifelong learning and creative problem-solving. Outside of work, I love watching movies and exploring new cities, especially discovering a variety of cafes and cuisines.


Interactive Media Design Diploma – Fanshawe College
Product Management Certificate – BrainStation
Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design Using Adobe Photoshop – Adobe

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