Tuition Refund Policy

Cornerstone International Community College of Canada
Name of Institution

Institution Number

Tuition Refund Policy
Name of Policy

April 18, 2024
Effective Date

November 12, 2024
Revision Date

All Approved Programs
Name of Program

An institution must refund fees charged for textbooks or other course materials, including equipment and uniforms, if the student does not receive these course materials and any of the following apply:

    • The student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution.
    • The institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.
    • The student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction of the program.

Approved Programs – In-class or Combined Delivery Refund Due
Before program start date, institution receives a notice of withdrawal:
No later than seven days after student signed the enrolment contract, and
Before the program start date.
100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee. Related fees include: administrative fees, application fees, assessment fees, and fees charged for textbooks or other course materials.
At least 30 days before the later of:
The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance (international students)
The program start date in the enrolment contract.
Institution may retain up to 10% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,000.
More than seven days after the student and institution signed the enrolment contract, and
Less than 30 days before the later of:
The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance (international students)
The program start date in the enrolment contract.
Institution may retain up to 20% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,300.
After program start date, institution provides a notice of dismissal or receives a notice of withdrawal (applies to all approved programs, other than distance-education-only programs):
After the program start date, and up to and including 10% of instruction hours have been provided. Institution may retain up to 30% of tuition.
After the program start date, and after more than 10% but before 30% of instruction hours have been provided. Institution may retain up to 50% of tuition.
Student does not attend – “no-show” (applies to all students except those enrolled in a program delivered solely by distance education):
Student has completed 50% or more of the program. No refund due.

Approved Programs – In-class or Combined Delivery Refund Due
Institution receives a refusal of study permit (applies to international students requiring a study permit):
Before 30% of instruction hours would have been provided, had the student started the program on the later of the following:
The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance
The program start date in the enrolment contract
Student has not requested additional Letter(s) of Acceptance.
100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee.
Student has completed 50% or more of the program. No refund due.

Approved Programs – Distance Delivery Refund Due
Student has completed no more than 30% of the program 70% of tuition.
Student has completed more than 30% but less than 50% of the program 50% of tuition
Student has completed 50% or more of the program No refund due

Completed means the student has received an evaluation of their performance for the specified percentage of hours of instruction. If a student completed a portion of a program for which they did not receive an evaluation, that portion should not be included in the calculation of the percentage of the program completed.

3.2.3 Fees and tuition refund for programs that do not require approval

Programs that do not require approval – programs that have tuition of $4,000 or more and that are not solely provided through distance education: Refund Due
The student does not attend the program, and
The institution receives from the student a notice of withdrawal or a copy of refusal of a study permit no later than 30 days after the later of:
The start date of the program in the most recent Letter of Acceptance
The start date of the program in the enrolment contract.
100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fees

The institution must pay the student within 30 days of receiving a notice of withdrawal or a copy of refusal of a study permit, as applicable.

    1. An international student is a person who is not a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or who has not been determined under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to be a Convention Refugee.
    • If an international student’s Study Permit application has not been completed by the start date identified in CICCC’s Letter of Acceptance and the student so notifies CICCC at the request of the student, CICCC may issue an additional Letter of Acceptance for a later start date. In such a circumstance, CICCC may charge the student an additional $75 administrative fee will be applied after the third LOA issued and retain the balance of the prepaid tuition fees pending the outcome of the Study Permit application.
    • If an international student is denied a Study Permit, CICCC will retain the following fees, including registration and tuition fees, according to the PTIB rules and guidelines.
    • Students denied a Study Permit must provide CICCC with a copy of the denial letter prior to the program start date as set out in CICCC’s most recently issued Letter of Acceptance.
    • Should a student fail to advise CICCC, or choose to withdraw for other reasons, the refund policy set out in the Refund Policy above will apply. Refunds owed to students must be paid within 30 days of CICCC receiving a copy of the Study Permit denial letter.
    • CICCC reserves the right to cancel any program due to insufficient enrollment. Should this occur, 100% of the fees will be refunded.
    • The letter of acceptance is considered as a signed contract; accordingly, in case of cancellation/withdrawal, the refund policy is implemented.

Important Information Before You Withdraw or Request a Refund

Before we can start processing your withdrawal or refund request, we highly encourage you to explore the options below that may support your personal, academic, and career success with Cornerstone Community College. The following support services are available to our students:

    1. Book an in-person appointment to meet with your dedicated Student Service Representative at to discuss your situation.
    2. Schedule an in-person appointment to meet with your student advisor on campus, who can provide you with personalized guidance. Send an email to to request an appointment.

Withdrawals or Refund Requests from OUTSIDE of Canada

    1. If you have an agent in your country, please contact your agent directly and they will help you with the process.
    2. If you don’t have an agent, send us an email to The email must clearly state your request, your full name, and a copy of your passport.

Withdrawals or Refund Requests from INSIDE of Canada

If you have obtained your study visa and are now in Canada, please be aware that all requests for refunds or withdrawals must be completed in person at our head office with your advisor. Our head office is located at 555 W Hastings St., Harbour Centre, 19th Floor. Please note that we are unable to accept or process requests by email.

It’s important to understand that simply not attending classes, or informing only your instructor or other office staff about your intention to withdraw, does not meet the formal requirements for program withdrawal.

To proceed with a formal withdrawal or refund request, you will need to present original versions (for validation) as well as photocopies of the following documents. The request cannot be processed unless ALL required items are submitted. Your refund amount will be calculated based on the date we receive all required documents mentioned below:

1.  A copy of your Letter of Acceptance (LOA).
2.  A copy of your Valid Study Permit and Co-op Work Permit, if applicable.
3.  A copy of your Valid passport (photo page and address page).
4.  A firm/official bank wire transfer receipt showing payment made to the college from your home country or local financial institutions.

Note: If you have been accepted by another college, we also require the following (5), (6), & (7):

5. A valid Letter of Acceptance (LOA) and Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) from a DLI-recognized institution where you are currently enrolled.
6. A valid Letter of Enrollment / Attendance Record from a DLI-recognized institution where you are currently enrolled.
7. A valid Fee Paid Receipt from a DLI-recognized institution where you are currently enrolled.


      1. Your refund amount will be calculated based on the date we receive all required documents mentioned above. The 30-day processing period will begin only after your advisor has completed the processing of your notice of withdrawal or your study permit refusal documentation AND all documents above have been submitted on time.
      2. The college will not entertain or process any refund or withdrawal request(s) where fees have been paid to agents or consultants. Please get in touch with your agent or consultant for assistance.


As an international student, in order to maintain your status in Canada, you must notify Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) regarding any changes to your Study Permit, which was originally issued to study at Cornerstone International Community College of Canada (CICCC), a Designated Learning Institution (DLI).

By withdrawing from the program in which you were enrolled, you will fail to comply with the conditions of your Study Permit, as stipulated in Section 221 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR). Hence, you will no longer be in compliance with Subsection 220.1(4) of IRPR.

In addition, the College will immediately report to IRCC that you are no longer enrolled in the program of study. Subsequently, IRCC has the right to cancel your study and work permits, even if they do not receive your physical documents. In other words, the permits you currently hold automatically become invalid according to the rules and timelines set by IRCC.

It would be best for you to leave Canada within the days allowed by IRCC, starting from your last day of classes, unless you enroll at a different institution and change your

Designated Learning Institution (DLI). Also, be advised that if you are not pursuing further studies in Canada, you must return your study permit and work permit to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) at the address below:

IRCC Vancouver (immigration office), 1148 Hornby Street, Vancouver BC V6Z 2C3

Additionally, if you withdraw from your academic program, you must stop working immediately. If you continue to work after this point, it will be considered as working illegally in Canada, which could lead to your removal from Canada, deportation, and/or ban from entering Canada for up to five (5) years.

Non-compliance with study permit conditions or engaging in unauthorized work or study may also negatively affect future applications that are made under the IRPA and IRPR. To stay informed about IRCC policies and regulations, please refer to the following website:

Addendum to Withdraw/Cancel/Transfer Request Form

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