Student life can be financially challenging, but did you know that having a student ID can be your ticket to various discounts and special offers across Canada? Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to leverage your student status for substantial savings:
1. Retail:
Many retail stores offer exclusive student discounts. Brands like Adidas, Aldo, Columbia, Forever 21, Levis, Reebok, and more extend special offers to students. Always inquire at the checkout whether they provide student discounts.
2. Entertainment:
Entertainment platforms like Amazon Prime and Spotify have student discount programs. Make sure to explore these offers and save on your favorite streaming services and purchases.
3. Tech Deals:
In the market for new devices or software? Tech giants like Apple, Adobe, Dell, Best Buy, and most telecommunications companies offer special prices to students. Take advantage of these opportunities to upgrade your tech arsenal.
4. City Activities:
Exploring the city can be more affordable for students. Various attractions and activities offer discounted rates. Places like Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, the Museum of Vancouver, and the Vancouver Art Gallery provide reduced pricing for students.
How to obtain your student ID at Cornerstone
If you haven’t already obtained your student ID, it’s time to do so! Unlock these incredible advantages and many more. Here’s how you can obtain your student ID card to enjoy savings on various products and experiences in Canada.
1. Apply: Every month, we send an email to our students to apply for their student ID. Once you receive this email, you can fill out the application and pay the fee.
2. Take your picture or send one to us: You will shortly receive another email about the times we are available in the marketing office to take your picture. Alternatively, you can send us your headshot if you have a good one.
3. Pick up your ID: After taking your picture, it will take about two weeks to receive another email to pick up your ID on campus.
Keep an eye out for announcements or specifically ask about student discounts when making purchases or planning outings. Remember, while this list highlights some prominent discounts available in Canada, there are countless other businesses and organizations that provide special offers for students.
So, are you ready to unlock savings? Obtain your student card and take advantage of these amazing opportunities waiting for you in Canada!