How to Improve Your English Speaking: 5 Secret Ways

improve your English speaking

Why is it important to speak English these days? If you speak English, you can easily integrate into international teams at work, trade with partners, and improve your chances when searching for a job in Canada and all over the world.

On top of that, a recent report by the Economist Intelligence Unit states that executives in multinational companies believe that shortly, over 50% of their workforce will need to speak English.

English fluency can’t be mastered overnight. But don’t get easily discouraged. We’ve all been there. Many people who work in Canada learned to speak English from scratch, Just like you! So, here are 5 secrets of how to improve your speaking skills fast.

If you take intensive English courses in Canada, you will also be able to practice while learning English!

They are improving their English

Best Ways to Improve Your English 

If you’re an English learner striving for improvement, here are some essential tips to enhance your English skills more rapidly.

#1 Memorize useful words and phrases and learn to pronounce them correctly

When you read or watch something, it’s a good idea to jot down new words and phrases. Try connecting these with your own life experiences and think about situations where you could use them. This makes it easier to remember and use them naturally.

If you are unsure about the pronunciation, look up the correct pronunciation. There are many online dictionaries where you can easily look up words and listen to their pronunciation. Here are a couple of our favorites:

Cambridge Dictionary


There are many apps you can use to learn English words daily!

#2 Read and listen, then reflect

Some people believe that playing English songs or movies in the background while doing something else can help improve their basic English speaking skills.

Not really! To benefit from reading blogs and articles, as well as watching and listening to podcasts, you must actively listen!

It’s important to write down new words and expressions, look them up in a dictionary, and, most importantly, engage with the content.

You could discuss a video, an article, or a podcast with someone, or simply record yourself retelling what you’ve read or heard and expressing your opinion on the matter.

#3 Practice daily conversations in English with native speakers

Studying English in Canada gives you a great advantage, as you can chat with native speakers anywhere: in stores, banks, restaurants, or coffee shops.

You can start speaking like a real Canadian pretty soon! There is so much you can learn from them about the language and culture.

What if you don’t have English-speaking friends? No problem! There are many apps and websites you can use to meet them.

One of our favorite language exchange apps is HelloTalk, which you can use to connect with native speakers all over the world.

#4 Take an English course

You may feel a little awkward having a conversation with someone who speaks English way better than you, and it’s understandable.

Taking classes at the optimal level to improve your English skills will accelerate your progress. Our English courses are designed so that you can take classes at the appropriate level.

Learn more about our flexible English courses or speak to our International Team to explore your options further.

Bottom to ESL class page

#5 Keep up the pace, don’t stop

At some point, you may feel like you’ve reached a standstill with minimal or no progress.

Remember that your learning journey resembles more of a curve than a straight line, so ups and downs are inevitable! Don’t give up!

Allocate time every day to learn English, and you’ll notice a steady improvement in your speaking skills over time.

Speaking English is one of the most essential skills these days.

It may seem like achieving fluency or proficiency in English will take a long time, but consistent daily practice—whether independently, with a partner, or using technology—can accelerate your progress significantly.

Don’t lose hope! Keep going.

They are improving their English with technology

We are here to support your dream

Cornerstone College is here to help. Reach out to our International Team for support or tell us about your experience learning English in the comments section under this post (we promise we will reply to everyone!)

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